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Can't connect to my App - iOS users

Penny Westbury avatar
Written by Penny Westbury
Updated over 5 years ago

The Upright GO connects with Bluetooth and a led light that will blink green when connected!

If it you aren't able to connect, please read the following:

First, the Upright GO should be fully charged and blinking blue when turned on.

Second, make sure the connection for the UPRIGHT GO is available via Bluetooth:
Please scroll up from the bottom of the screen for the I phone's quick screen/Control center - (see the picture attached) -> turn the Bluetooth icon ON (It should be colored blue).

Then go back to the app and press "Connect". 

If it still won't connect, please try the following:

Go to the App's Settings page -> Advanced Settings -> Press "Pair a new GO". 

Still can't connect?
Please contact our customer support team via the in-App chat :) 

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